Are you a BANK OF BARODA customer looking to carry out transactions from SARAI ANADEO Branch? Then you need to know the branch's IFSC code. BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the bank branch for electronic fund transfer purposes. In this article, we will take a closer look at the BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code, its importance, and other details you need to know

What is BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code? BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code is an 11-character code assigned to the bank branch by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It is a unique identifier that is required for online fund transfers using NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The first four characters of the IFSC code represent the bank's name, the fifth character is always zero, and the last six characters represent the branch code.

Why is BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code important? The BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code is important because it is used to carry out online fund transfers. Without the IFSC code, it would not be possible to transfer funds electronically from one bank account to another. The code ensures that the funds are transferred to the correct account and bank branch. Moreover, it is also used for other transactions like opening a bank account, availing loans, and more.


How to find BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code? There are several ways to find the BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code:

  1. BANK OF BARODA Website: You can find the IFSC code for any BANK OF BARODA branch, including SARAI ANADEO Branch, on the bank's official website. Go to the bank's website, click on 'know your IFSC code' and enter the required details such as state, district, branch name, and more.
  2. Reserve Bank of India website: You can also find the IFSC code for BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch on the Reserve Bank of India website. Visit the RBI website, click on 'IFSC/MICR code,' and enter the bank name, state, district, and branch details.
  3. Cheque book or Passbook: BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch IFSC code is printed on the bank's Cheque book and passbook. You can easily find it there

What are the services offered by BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch?

What are the services offered by BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch? BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch offers a range of banking services to its customers. Some of these services are:

  • Savings account and current account
  • Fixed deposits and recurring deposits
  • Loans - home loan, personal loan, car loan, and more
  • Credit cards and debit cards
  • Online banking and mobile banking
  • Locker facility
  • Insurance products
  • Investment products

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the IFSC Code for BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch?


Where can I find the IFSC Code for BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch?

You can find the IFSC Code for BANK OF BARODA SARAI ANADEO Branch on the bank's official website, or you can contact the bank branch directly for the same.

Is the IFSC Code the same for all branches of BANK OF BARODA?

No, the IFSC Code is unique for each bank branch of BANK OF BARODA

List of Other Branches of BANK OF BARODA, SARAI ANADEO District, UTTAR PRADESH

List of other bank's in SARAI ANADEO District, UTTAR PRADESH