Search STD Code
Search STD code by either city name or city code provided by the Airtel, Reliance, Jio, MTNL, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. For obtaining the STD codes, users have to enter the name or code of the city. This is a mandatory field. Link of state-wise STD codes are also available.
The total length of all phone numbers (area code and the phone number) is constant at 10 digits. For example, the number 7513200000 signifies the 0522 (the area code for Lucknow) followed by the phone number.
Fixed-line or landline numbers are at most 8 digits long.
STD code listing Telecom Circle wise
STD Code Finder in India is a tool that allows you to find the STD code (Subscriber Trunk Dialing code) of a particular city or town in India. The STD code is a unique code assigned to each city or town in India and is used when making a longdistance call within the country.
With the help of a STD Code Finder, you can easily locate the STD code of any city or town in India. There are several websites and online tools available that offer STD Code Finder services in India. These websites allow you to search for STD codes by entering the name of a city or town, state, district, or pin code.
Some popular STD Code Finder websites in India include BSNL STD Code Finder, IndiaMART STD Code Finder, Maps of India STD Code Finder, Trace Mobile Number STD Code Finder, and STD Code Finder.
Overall, the STD Code Finder is a useful tool that helps people make longdistance calls within India. It helps to ensure that the call is connected to the correct location and reduces the possibility of dialing errors or misdialing.